Friday, July 03, 2009

Study Finds Vegans Able to Carry Own Weight

Looks like people are doing okay even without animal products. This particular meta-analysis study asked if vegans have a lower bone density. The answer was yes, but it turns out that didn't make a difference in terms of likelihood for breaking their bones, which is what matters in the end. It's sort of like saying that younger people have a smaller muscle mass, but are still able to lift just as much weight as older people. In the end, there's no disadvantage.

From the article:

The study found that on average vegans had a bone mass density 5 percent lower than non-vegans. But Nguyen said the study found vegans were no more likely to be treated for bone fractures than non-vegans.

This is probably because vegans tend to be more health conscious, he said.

"If you look at vegetarians as a whole they are certainly healthier, they tend to live longer and have lower risk of hypertension and heart disease." And there are other factors that may override the influence bone density has on fracture risk such as hormone deficiencies, smoking and lifestyle, said Nguyen.

...and the entire article is here.

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