Dafna sent me a link, in a short, 3-line Email, saying she thinks I would like the concept.
I watched. At first I thought hey, this is pretty neat.
As I kept watching, I could feel the chills running up and down my spine.
This is inspiring. Amazing. Beautiful. If You have a couple of minutes, take a look: http://www.playingforchange.com/journey/introduction. Or here:
You can find more by going on YouTube and typing "Playing for Change."
There are times I want to just drop everything I'm doing, and just do music, music, music. There is magic in it, elation, and a beauty unlike anything else.
I think about all the people in the videos, singing and playing so beautifully with people they have never seen. And I feel such respect and awe for them. They have been playing for a long time, putting in hours and days and months and years into making their music so beautiful, some of them under conditions that less than ideal: Pokei Kiaas, playing his upright bass on the dusty dirt between shacks in Guguleto, South Africa; or Junior Kissangwa Mbouta, barely squeezing his full drum set into his skinny porch above the streets of the Congo...
Enjoy. And thank You, Dafna.
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