Wednesday, February 04, 2009


It's been snowing and cold here for a while - winter time in Philadelphia! I realized I was getting used to the temperature when, a couple of days ago, it reached freezing (that is, went UP to freezing). It was about 36 degrees Fahrenheit (about 3 degrees Celsius), and I was outside in the T-shirt, enjoying the sun. Crazy.

It also gets very icy. The ice can be hard to see, and even when I'm being careful, walking slowly and all, I slip a bit every once in a while. I had my first big crash (and hopefully the last for a while). I fell onto my side and bruised my thigh and my arm. Not to worry: The laptop is fine. :-)

Walking by Clark Park today, I passed my favorite area: The dog bowl. I'm used to seeing it filled with people and dogs playing frisbee, soccer, and what-not. Today it had a different feel, but still made me smile. Enjoy:

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